
Address by the President of the Republic, Mr N. Anastasiades, at the Annual General Meeting of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber

Address by the President of the Republic, Mr N. Anastasiades,
at the Annual General Meeting of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to be again with you and to address the 26th Annual General Meeting of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber.
First and above all, I would like to stress that my presence today, once more, manifests the importance that the Government places on one of the main pillars of the development of Cyprus economy, its shipping industry, and I wish to assure you that the close cooperation between the Government and the private shipping sector will not only continue, but will be further enhanced. At the same time, I feel obliged to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you, who, as leading shipping entrepreneurs, continue to trust and support Cyprus its shipping industry.
The Cyprus Shipping Chamber has been successfully serving Cyprus shipping since its establishment back in 1989 and it should feel proud for setting up a very important professional organisation, with direct and active participation in all aspects of Cyprus Shipping. This is all the more applicable, since we should bear in mind that Cyprus and its shipping industry needs to adopt modern and flexible approaches so as to be able to adapt to the competitive international shipping environment.
As such, the Chamber’s involvement in the formulation of the Government’s maritime policy and its overall cooperation and contribution towards the continuous growth of the Cyprus Registry and of the local shipping industry is significant and much appreciated.
In this respect, the Minister of Communications and Works commissioned a study for the “Future of Shipping in Cyprus” and established a steering committee to guide the process, led by the Department of Merchant Shipping and consisting of representatives of the local private shipping industry, the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency, and with the Cyprus Shipping Chamber being an invaluable partner to this study with a very important and commendable contribution. The overall objective of the study is to develop a comprehensive Strategic Development Plan for the Cyprus Shipping Industry. The study has been very recently concluded and proposes strategic policies that would strengthen the Cyprus Merchant Fleet and the Cyprus Maritime Cluster, having as a guideline the short and long term benefits to the Cyprus Economy.
Further, the discovery of hydrocarbons in our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) creates new challenges and opportunities to our shipping industry to further evolve and widen its horizons, creating relevant synergies. New and vibrant shipping and energy projects can be launched and the relevant government policies will definitely include this new exciting perspective in mind, when being developed.
Nonetheless, we should not forget that shipping is an international activity and the free movement of goods and raw materials worldwide is essential for the economic development of any country. In this respect, the lifting of the illegal Turkish restrictive measures against Cyprus shipping, in force since 1987, would certainly have a positive economic and political impact and I want to stress that my Government will continue its efforts towards the lifting of the Turkish embargo, which will lead to great growth prospects of the Cyprus Registry and consequently, the growth of Cyprus Shipping in general.
At this point and before concluding, taking also into account the linkage between economic progress and its impact on the shipping industry, I consider it pertinent to inform you on some latest developments as regards the economy of Cyprus.
As a result of the hard work by everybody and the consistency in implementing the obligations we have undertaken under well-known conditions, not only did we manage to disprove the assessments and predictions referring to a total collapse of the economy, but at the same time we have succeeded to restore the international credibility of our country, to stabilize our banking system and we are now in a course of recovery and exit from the country’s economic adjustment programme.
With determination, we took particularly difficult decisions and we implemented a very difficult, but necessary, program, without overlooking the social role of the state. It is for these exact reasons, that today, during a Press conference I held, I announced that, as of this coming Monday, there will be a final and comprehensive lifting of the restrictions in capital transfer.
I have no doubt that the lifting of the last restrictions marks the final restoration of trust in our banking system and the positive perspective for raising investments in conditions of full trust and credibility is being reinforced, as is the capability of the banks to raise capitals and safely fund the economy, thus, having a positive impact as regards the support of the citizens, businesses and growth.
At the same time, I announced a series of measures to be implemented that would positively contribute to our efforts of achieving growth, such as, amongst others, additional development projects through the State Budget, extension of programs of the European Investment Bank (EIB), measures for the unemployed and extension of the period for providing town planning incentives.
The prominent and leading role that Cyprus shipping enjoys today in the international shipping scene is something that we should all be proud of. The accumulated know-how, the experience and the high level of professionalism in our island´s shipping industry, in combination with the Government´s maritime policy and support, will definitely lead Cyprus shipping to even greater accomplishments.
Once more, I would like to reiterate that the sustainable growth of Cyprus Shipping is one of the priorities of the Cyprus Government and, consequently, I would like to make clear to our friends and collaborators in the shipping industry that the Government, through the Ministry of Communications and Works and the Department of Merchant Shipping, and in close collaboration with the private shipping sector, will do its utmost to further enhance the competitiveness of our flag and of our maritime cluster.
Yet again, I express my sincere appreciation for the Cyprus Shipping Chamber’s endeavours and contribution to Cyprus shipping and I wish every success in the deliberations of your Annual General Meeting.