The Minister of Foreign Affairs,
MrIoannisKasoulides, concluded yesterday his visit to Montenegro, following his
contacts in Serbia.
DuringhiscontactsinPodgorica, theMinisterofForeignAffairshad
talks with his counterpart, MrIgorLuksic,
and he was also received by the Prime Minister of Montenegro, MrMiloDukanovicand the Speaker of
Parliament, MrRankoKrivokapic.
Intheframeworkofhismeetings, thehistoricallyfriendlybondsbetweenCyprusandMontenegrowereconfirmed,
and ways for their further growth were discussed, including the conclusion of
new bilateral agreements on energy issues for instance, as well as further
exploitation of existing ones.
MinisterKasoulidesreaffirmedtheRepublic’s continuous support for the further
advancement of Montenegro’s negotiations with the EU, stressing our part’s
readiness to provide technical assistance and expertise on the basis of our own
experience. Therole, importanceandpossiblecooperationbetweensmallmemberstateswithintheEUwerealsodiscussed.
the Minister of Foreign Affairs had the chance to brief them on the recent
developments in the Cyprus problem and the resumption of substantive talks,
following the agreement on the Joint Declaration, and received their support
for the successful outcome of the ongoing procedure.
Moreover, regionalissueswerediscussedbothconcerningtheWesternBalkansandthebroaderSoutheasternMediterranean
region, and views were exchanged on the recent developments in Ukraine.
Minister Kasoulides also gave
interviews to local media. He returns to Cyprus today, 26 February.