2 December 2013)– TheCommitteeon
MissingPersons in Cyprus(CMP)wouldliketo thankMrÖzdilNami fora donation ofUS$ 50,000 madeon behalfofthe
TurkishCypriot communityonFriday, 29November.
2013 hasbeen the most successfulyearyetfortheCMP
with the identification, to date, of126 missingpersons. The totalnumber
ofidentified human remains now
stands at 464, while1012 remainshave beenexhumed.
thelargenumberof identifications
undertaken thisyear has put aconsiderableburden on the CMPbudget.Thisdonation willhelp theCMP to maintainthe currentlevel ofresults,
andthus to bringanend tothe
sufferingoffamilies in both communities.